日本の厚生労働省が本年6月から、いわゆる「大衆薬」(一般用医薬品) を副作用
リスク別に3分類し、風邪薬や漢方 (生薬処方) など「伝統薬」の通信販売を禁
の「選択の自由」を束縛するものであり、断じて容認できない! 「憲法違反」
されてきた。 従って、プロポリスなどの生薬を締め出すのは、論理的にもはなはだ
通販のせいではない! 彼らは何かを勘違いしている!
「副作用のない」立派な治療薬なのだ! 言いかえれが、最初の「処方箋」が間違って
判り易い 「本」 の出版を例にとって、日本の業界に巣くう 「不合理性」を示そう!
実はごく少数である。あとはamazon.co.jp などの通販を介して、出版社は本を販
売せざるをえない。もし、(薬の例と同様) 文科省が本の「通販禁止令」を出した
ら一体どうなるだろうか? (講談社などごく少数の大手出版社を除いて) 大部分
の出版社は (それでなくとも「火の車」なのに) 本が売れず、瞬く間に倒産する
演者: 丸田 浩博士 (「NF Cure Japan」 マネジャー)
主催: シクロケム(東京/神戸) http://www.cyclochem.com/
日時: 5月2日(土)午後2時ー4時
会場: 神戸国際会館(三宮)8階5号室
HP(アクセス): http://www.kih.co.jp/map/index.html
住所: 兵庫県神戸市中央区御幸通8丁目1番6号
定員: 先着約45名(入場無料)
日時: 5月23日(土)午後2時ー4時
会場: 東京国際フォーラム 会議室「G407」(スクール形式、バリア・フリー)
HP(アクセス): http://www.t-i-forum.co.jp/function/map/
住所: 都内千代田区丸の内三丁目5番1号
定員: 先着約45名(入場無料)
参加申込先: 大根さん(メール:daikon_tom@nifty.ne.jp)
演者: 丸田 浩博士 (「NF Cure Japan」 マネジャー)
主催: シクロケム(東京/神戸) http://www.cyclochem.com/
日時: 5月2日(土)午後2時ー4時
会場: 神戸国際会館(三宮)8階5号室
HP(アクセス): http://www.kih.co.jp/map/index.html
住所: 兵庫県神戸市中央区御幸通8丁目1番6号
定員: 先着約45名(入場無料)
日時: 5月23日(土)午後2時ー4時
会場: 東京国際フォーラム 会議室「G407」(スクール形式、バリア・フリー)
HP(アクセス): http://www.t-i-forum.co.jp/function/map/
住所: 都内千代田区丸の内三丁目5番1号
定員: 先着約45名(入場無料)
参加申込先: 大根さん(メール:daikon_tom@nifty.ne.jp)
MGO (Methylglyoxal) Is the Major Antibiotic
of Manuka Honeys from NZ (New Zealand)
Over 80% of honey contents are sugars (mainly glucose and fructose), but
recently some honey samples, in particular Manuka honeys from NZ, were shown
by a German research team to have a strong anti-bacterial activity, mainly
due to its component called MGO (methylgyoxal). Therefore, Manuka honeys
are now called "super" honeys, fighting against bacteria.
In an early 2008, Prof. Thomas Henle and his colleagues at Technical University
of Dresden in Germany reported that MGO is directly responsible for the
anti-bacterial activity of Manuka honey from NZ. The MIC (minimum inhibitory
concentration) of MGO for both Gram-positive and -negative bacteria were
1.1 mM. The MGO levels in the Manuka honeys were up to 250 fold higher than
in the non-Manuka honeys.
Among these Manuka honeys, a Manuka Health honey product called "UMF 25"
was the richest in MGO, containing 761 mg/kg. Interestingly, the UMF (Unique
Manuka Factor) values appear to be directly related to the MGO content.
In addition, Manuka Health produces a unique CAPE-based propolis extract
called "Bio 30" which was recently shown to suppress almost completely the
growth of NF (neurofibromatosis) tumor, pancreatic and breast cancer as
well as glioma xenografts in mice.
The outcome of "Bio 30 Trials for NF2 Tumors" with around 50 patients
has revealed that at least 30-40% have clearly got a benefit from Bio 30,
although the trials are still in an early stage (6-12 months). For detail,
visit the following website: http://www.advocurenf2.org/03_bio30.html
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2008 Apr;52: 483-9.
Identification and quantification of methylglyoxal as the dominant antibacterial
constituent of Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) honeys from New Zealand.
Mavric E, Wittmann S, Barth G, Henle T.
Institute of Food Chemistry, Technische Hochschule der Dresden, Germany.
Phytother Res. 2009 Feb; 23: 226-30.
CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester)-based propolis extract (Bio 30) suppresses
the growth of human neurofibromatosis (NF) tumor xenografts in mice.
Demestre M, Messerli SM, Celli N, Shahhossini M, Kluwe L, Mautner V, Maruta
UKE (Universitaets Klinikum Eppendorf), Hamburg 20246, Germany.
recently some honey samples, in particular Manuka honeys from NZ, were shown
by a German research team to have a strong anti-bacterial activity, mainly
due to its component called MGO (methylgyoxal). Therefore, Manuka honeys
are now called "super" honeys, fighting against bacteria.
In an early 2008, Prof. Thomas Henle and his colleagues at Technical University
of Dresden in Germany reported that MGO is directly responsible for the
anti-bacterial activity of Manuka honey from NZ. The MIC (minimum inhibitory
concentration) of MGO for both Gram-positive and -negative bacteria were
1.1 mM. The MGO levels in the Manuka honeys were up to 250 fold higher than
in the non-Manuka honeys.
Among these Manuka honeys, a Manuka Health honey product called "UMF 25"
was the richest in MGO, containing 761 mg/kg. Interestingly, the UMF (Unique
Manuka Factor) values appear to be directly related to the MGO content.
In addition, Manuka Health produces a unique CAPE-based propolis extract
called "Bio 30" which was recently shown to suppress almost completely the
growth of NF (neurofibromatosis) tumor, pancreatic and breast cancer as
well as glioma xenografts in mice.
The outcome of "Bio 30 Trials for NF2 Tumors" with around 50 patients
has revealed that at least 30-40% have clearly got a benefit from Bio 30,
although the trials are still in an early stage (6-12 months). For detail,
visit the following website: http://www.advocurenf2.org/03_bio30.html
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2008 Apr;52: 483-9.
Identification and quantification of methylglyoxal as the dominant antibacterial
constituent of Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) honeys from New Zealand.
Mavric E, Wittmann S, Barth G, Henle T.
Institute of Food Chemistry, Technische Hochschule der Dresden, Germany.
Phytother Res. 2009 Feb; 23: 226-30.
CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester)-based propolis extract (Bio 30) suppresses
the growth of human neurofibromatosis (NF) tumor xenografts in mice.
Demestre M, Messerli SM, Celli N, Shahhossini M, Kluwe L, Mautner V, Maruta
UKE (Universitaets Klinikum Eppendorf), Hamburg 20246, Germany.
A "Hot" Mystery: Herbal Therapy of Neurofibromatosis
by Corn Lily (???), a source of "Cyclopamine"
A few days ago, just around the moment when we experienced the "hottest" day (over 46oC)
and the worst bush fire around Melbourne which took more than 170 lives and destroyed
so many homes, I received a "mysterious" e-mail from an Indian physician
who claims to live near Washington, DC. He wrote that his patient (or neighbor)
managed to get rid of his/her numerous NF1 neurofibromas by a herbal product
in months, although he did not reveal the specific name of this "miracle"
herb... I asked him to send me a pair of photos of this NF1 patient taken
before and after this herbal treatment, to convince me this miraculous recovery.
Also I added that if this herbal product is inexpensively available on
the market, we would be potentially interested in investigating further
its therapeutics effect on NF1 and NF2 tumor xenografts in mice. Since then
I have never heard from him, and started being puzzled what his real intention
Perhaps it could have been a whisper/hint from God, although I wouldn't believe
in anything other than our own biomedical science. I used to work in California
and hillside of Rocky Mountains in US for a few years, before I moved to
Melbourne for more than two decades ago. If you walk through wet meadows
there, you will find a 1-2 meters tall plant which resembles corn, but its
flower looks like a small lily. It is commonly called "Corn Lily". Shepherds usually
avoid to pass through this area with his or her herd of cows, sheep or goats,
because this plant is teratogenic, causing a series of birth defects such
as cyclopia, if they ingest it while pregnant. It contains an alkaloid of
steroid structure called cyclopamine which blocks the oncogenic "hedgehog"/Gli
signaling pathways that are involved in both blood vessel formation (angiogenesis)
and forebrain development. Since just like thalidomide, teratogenic substances
in general have an anti-cancer potential, the development of cyclopamine
and its water-soluble derivative called IPI-609 as new anti-cancer drugs
are currently under way.
Historically, Corn Lily was used as a pain reliever and anti-convulsive (for
epilepsy). Native American Indians concocted an effective birth control
tea from the roots. Today it is used pharmaceutically to slow the heartbeat
and lower blood pressure.
So this "mysterious" e-mail suddenly reminded me of Corn Lily, and I started
finding a possible link of the "hedgehog"/Gli signaling to NF1 (a RAS GAP)
or PAK signaling. In short, loss of NF1 gene which causes abnormal activation
of RAS and PAK, eventually activates Gli gene, down stream of "hedgehog",
a growth hormone. In other words these two oncogenic pathways work synergestically.
In principle, like anti-PAK products such as Bio 30, cyclopamine or its
derivatives should suppress the growth of PAK-dependent tumors such as NF1/NF2
and pancreatic cancers. In fact, George Feldmann's team at Johns Hopkins
Medical School in Baltimore reported in late 2008 that IPI-609 (a product
of Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Boston) (20 mg/kg) suppresses the growth and
metastasis of pancreatic cancer xenograft in mice, in combination with Gemcitabine
(100 mg/kg) completely. Thus, it would be possible that the "mysterious"
herbal product might cure NF1 neurofibromas miraculously, if it is somehow
related to an ethanol extract of Corn Lily or Chinese (Sichuan) pepper called
"Hua Jiao" which we found a few years ago selectively blocks the oncogenic
PAK pathways...
Sherlock Holmes said: Perhaps this "mysterious" e-mail informer might live
somewhere between Baltimore and Washington, DC.
Dr. Watson asked: Why?
Mol Cancer Ther. 2008 Sep;7(9):2725-35.
An orally bioavailable small-molecule inhibitor of Hedgehog signaling (IPI-609)
inhibits tumor initiation and metastasis in pancreatic cancer.
Feldmann G, Fendrich V, McGovern K, Bedja D, Bisht S, Alvarez H, Koorstra
JB, Habbe N, Karikari C, Mullendore M, Gabrielson KL, Sharma R, Matsui W,
Maitra A.
Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, CRB2,
Room 316, 1550 Orleans Street, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA. gfeldma4@jhmi.edu
Pioneer work by Philip Beachy on Hedgehog and Cyclopamine
Philip A. Beachy, Ph.D., a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator,
moved from Johns Hopkins University Medical School to Stanford University
Cancer Center around 2006.
Beachy and colleagues during their Johns Hopkins days found that cyclopamine
blocks the Hedgehog pathway. Furthermore, in mouse studies, cyclopamine
caused permanent regression of grafted human and rodent tumors. This research
was published in Nature around 2003.
Even at 6 to 8 months after treatment ended, tumors did not regrow. "There
is good evidence in a number of tissues that cancers are propagated by a
minority of cells that seem to have properties of stem cells," he explained.
"These cancer stem cells probably derive from tissue stem cells." Their
results suggest that the cancer stem cells were wiped out, Beachy said. Hedgehog
and another signaling pathway called Wnt have roles in stimulating self-renewal
for stem cells.
Meanwhile, several drug companies such as Curis and Infinity Pharmaceuticals are
developing Hedgehog antagonists, and Beachy is pushing hard to get cyclopamine into
clinical trials, including working with farmers in Utah to harvest large
quantities of corn lily, the major source of this drug.
Clinical Trials (phase II) of Hedgehog Inhibitor "GDC-0449" in 2008:
HhAntag691 (GDC-0449), an inhibitor of the hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway,
has been used to treat medulloblastoma in animal models and has recently
entered clinical trials for a variety of solid tumors.
GDC-0449 (IC50=40 nM) developed by Curis Inc. is a synthetic benzoimidazole derivative,
clearly unrelated to cyclopamine in the chemical structure,
and much more potent than cyclopamine (IC50=500 nM) in inhibiting Hedgehog (Hh)
signaling and the growth of cancer cells. It is the first Hh inhibitor in the clinical trials.
Curis Inc. reports that it is moving forward with its collaboration with
Genentech Inc. on development of Curis' Hedgehog antagonist drug for
treating cancer.
Genentech in Southern California plans to launch three Phase 2 clinical
trial plans for GDC-0449 in 2008. Upon the treatment of the first patient in
the trial, Curis in Cambridge/Boston could receive a $3 million cash milestone payment.
The planned Phase 2 clinical trials include a trial in metastatic
colorectal cancer during the first quarter 2008, and trials in advanced
basal cell carcinoma, as well as a trial in an undisclosed advanced solid
epithelial tumor during the second half of 2008. Once testing has begun
on that epithelial tumor, a second $3 million payment could be triggered.
and the worst bush fire around Melbourne which took more than 170 lives and destroyed
so many homes, I received a "mysterious" e-mail from an Indian physician
who claims to live near Washington, DC. He wrote that his patient (or neighbor)
managed to get rid of his/her numerous NF1 neurofibromas by a herbal product
in months, although he did not reveal the specific name of this "miracle"
herb... I asked him to send me a pair of photos of this NF1 patient taken
before and after this herbal treatment, to convince me this miraculous recovery.
Also I added that if this herbal product is inexpensively available on
the market, we would be potentially interested in investigating further
its therapeutics effect on NF1 and NF2 tumor xenografts in mice. Since then
I have never heard from him, and started being puzzled what his real intention
Perhaps it could have been a whisper/hint from God, although I wouldn't believe
in anything other than our own biomedical science. I used to work in California
and hillside of Rocky Mountains in US for a few years, before I moved to
Melbourne for more than two decades ago. If you walk through wet meadows
there, you will find a 1-2 meters tall plant which resembles corn, but its
flower looks like a small lily. It is commonly called "Corn Lily". Shepherds usually
avoid to pass through this area with his or her herd of cows, sheep or goats,
because this plant is teratogenic, causing a series of birth defects such
as cyclopia, if they ingest it while pregnant. It contains an alkaloid of
steroid structure called cyclopamine which blocks the oncogenic "hedgehog"/Gli
signaling pathways that are involved in both blood vessel formation (angiogenesis)
and forebrain development. Since just like thalidomide, teratogenic substances
in general have an anti-cancer potential, the development of cyclopamine
and its water-soluble derivative called IPI-609 as new anti-cancer drugs
are currently under way.
Historically, Corn Lily was used as a pain reliever and anti-convulsive (for
epilepsy). Native American Indians concocted an effective birth control
tea from the roots. Today it is used pharmaceutically to slow the heartbeat
and lower blood pressure.
So this "mysterious" e-mail suddenly reminded me of Corn Lily, and I started
finding a possible link of the "hedgehog"/Gli signaling to NF1 (a RAS GAP)
or PAK signaling. In short, loss of NF1 gene which causes abnormal activation
of RAS and PAK, eventually activates Gli gene, down stream of "hedgehog",
a growth hormone. In other words these two oncogenic pathways work synergestically.
In principle, like anti-PAK products such as Bio 30, cyclopamine or its
derivatives should suppress the growth of PAK-dependent tumors such as NF1/NF2
and pancreatic cancers. In fact, George Feldmann's team at Johns Hopkins
Medical School in Baltimore reported in late 2008 that IPI-609 (a product
of Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Boston) (20 mg/kg) suppresses the growth and
metastasis of pancreatic cancer xenograft in mice, in combination with Gemcitabine
(100 mg/kg) completely. Thus, it would be possible that the "mysterious"
herbal product might cure NF1 neurofibromas miraculously, if it is somehow
related to an ethanol extract of Corn Lily or Chinese (Sichuan) pepper called
"Hua Jiao" which we found a few years ago selectively blocks the oncogenic
PAK pathways...
Sherlock Holmes said: Perhaps this "mysterious" e-mail informer might live
somewhere between Baltimore and Washington, DC.
Dr. Watson asked: Why?
Mol Cancer Ther. 2008 Sep;7(9):2725-35.
An orally bioavailable small-molecule inhibitor of Hedgehog signaling (IPI-609)
inhibits tumor initiation and metastasis in pancreatic cancer.
Feldmann G, Fendrich V, McGovern K, Bedja D, Bisht S, Alvarez H, Koorstra
JB, Habbe N, Karikari C, Mullendore M, Gabrielson KL, Sharma R, Matsui W,
Maitra A.
Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, CRB2,
Room 316, 1550 Orleans Street, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA. gfeldma4@jhmi.edu
Pioneer work by Philip Beachy on Hedgehog and Cyclopamine
Philip A. Beachy, Ph.D., a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator,
moved from Johns Hopkins University Medical School to Stanford University
Cancer Center around 2006.
Beachy and colleagues during their Johns Hopkins days found that cyclopamine
blocks the Hedgehog pathway. Furthermore, in mouse studies, cyclopamine
caused permanent regression of grafted human and rodent tumors. This research
was published in Nature around 2003.
Even at 6 to 8 months after treatment ended, tumors did not regrow. "There
is good evidence in a number of tissues that cancers are propagated by a
minority of cells that seem to have properties of stem cells," he explained.
"These cancer stem cells probably derive from tissue stem cells." Their
results suggest that the cancer stem cells were wiped out, Beachy said. Hedgehog
and another signaling pathway called Wnt have roles in stimulating self-renewal
for stem cells.
Meanwhile, several drug companies such as Curis and Infinity Pharmaceuticals are
developing Hedgehog antagonists, and Beachy is pushing hard to get cyclopamine into
clinical trials, including working with farmers in Utah to harvest large
quantities of corn lily, the major source of this drug.
Clinical Trials (phase II) of Hedgehog Inhibitor "GDC-0449" in 2008:
HhAntag691 (GDC-0449), an inhibitor of the hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway,
has been used to treat medulloblastoma in animal models and has recently
entered clinical trials for a variety of solid tumors.
GDC-0449 (IC50=40 nM) developed by Curis Inc. is a synthetic benzoimidazole derivative,
clearly unrelated to cyclopamine in the chemical structure,
and much more potent than cyclopamine (IC50=500 nM) in inhibiting Hedgehog (Hh)
signaling and the growth of cancer cells. It is the first Hh inhibitor in the clinical trials.
Curis Inc. reports that it is moving forward with its collaboration with
Genentech Inc. on development of Curis' Hedgehog antagonist drug for
treating cancer.
Genentech in Southern California plans to launch three Phase 2 clinical
trial plans for GDC-0449 in 2008. Upon the treatment of the first patient in
the trial, Curis in Cambridge/Boston could receive a $3 million cash milestone payment.
The planned Phase 2 clinical trials include a trial in metastatic
colorectal cancer during the first quarter 2008, and trials in advanced
basal cell carcinoma, as well as a trial in an undisclosed advanced solid
epithelial tumor during the second half of 2008. Once testing has begun
on that epithelial tumor, a second $3 million payment could be triggered.
米国も豪州も(日本の人口の十倍を誇る) 中国の巨大市場なしには、今の深刻な
経済危機から立ち直れないのだ。 しかし、元外交官の彼は、そうズバリとは言わ
なかった。 やんわりと「日本自身でさえ、豪州を無視しつつも、中国にはひっきり
米国も豪州も(日本の人口の十倍を誇る) 中国の巨大市場なしには、今の深刻な
経済危機から立ち直れないのだ。 しかし、元外交官の彼は、そうズバリとは言わ
なかった。 やんわりと「日本自身でさえ、豪州を無視しつつも、中国にはひっきり
投稿 (Atom)