人々の “健康促進” のために!

人々の “健康促進” のために!
2015年春、沖縄の琉球大学キャンパス内 (産学共同研究棟) に立ち上げた “PAK研究センター” の発足メンバー(左から4人目が、所長の多和田真吉名誉教授)
For detail, click the above image.


「花椒エキス」(花水) のCD による包接

数年前に中国の四川省特産「花椒」の温湯エキス (花水) が「PAK」遮断によって、(少なくとも動物実験で)抗癌作用を発揮することを、欧米の医学雑誌に発表した(1)。


しかしながら、その製品化(市販) が最近まで進んでいなかった。その理由の1つは、45度前後の温湯で抽出しても、室温に冷ますと、有効成分「ペッパリン」が沈殿してしまう、という欠点である。この沈殿は70%のアルコールに溶かすことができるが、このアルコールを最終的に蒸発させない限り、経口には適さないというディレンマがあった。さもなければ、癌やNF/TSC腫瘍などがせっかく治っても、患者が今後は「アル中」に悩み始める羽目に陥るからだ。。。

さて、最近になって、このディレンマを解決する方法が1つ見つかった! ガンマーCD(シクロデキストリン) という (安価で人畜無害な) 天然の環状オリゴ糖を利用して、この分子内部に疎水性の「抗癌成分」を包接して、均一かつ安定な分散溶液を作れば、エキス独特の苦味が消えるばかりではなく、腸管からの吸収がずっと高まるので、薬効も増強されるという利点がある。そこで、市販前に、家庭で簡単にできる「花水」のCD包接(調理)法を、下記に紹介しよう。


花椒(粉末ではなく、果皮のまま).................. 20 g**
温湯 (45度前後)............................   200cc(ml)
ガンマーCD (シクロデキストリン) 粉末 ........... 20ー30 g*
鍋 と魔法瓶とミキサー


レサピ (調理法): 


その後、全体を (細かい目の)茶漉しで濾過 (あるいは布漉し) して、(紅茶のように赤っぽい) エキスを
ミキサーに受ける。 次に、ミキサーをゆっくり回転させながら、ガンマーCDを徐々に溶かし込んだ後、

*30 g のCDで、「苦い」エキスが「甘く」なる!
この乳濁液(包接エキス)を 3分して、毎日飲んで、3か間で消費する。保存は冷蔵庫で。 経口前に、体温近くに温め、
CDを良く溶かしてから飲むと、効き目がよい。 なお、茶漉しに残った「出し殻」は捨てる。


包接に使うCDは、純粋なガンマーCDでなくてはならない。一般に市販されている「CDの混合物」 (アルファー、ベータ、ガンマー) は、ガンマーCDの含量が少な過ぎて、実用にならない。 製造元は、シクロケムなど。 ガンマーCDの注文は、斎藤貿易(大阪) に直接、お願いします。個人宛に小売りするそうですから:  saitouboueki@saitouboueki.com


1。Hirokawa, Y., Nheu, T., Grimm, K., Mautner, V. et al. Sichuan Pepper Extracts Block
the PAK1/Cyclin D1 Pathway and the Growth of NF1-deficient Cancer Xenograft in Mice.
Cancer Biol. Ther., 2006: 5: 305-9.


Making the Legendary NZ Propolis "CAPE 60":
Blending Bio 30 with a Natural CAPE from API

CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester) is the major anti-cancer polyphenol in propolis produced in Far East, Europe and Oceania. CAPE is now known to block the oncogenic kinase "PAK1" which is essential for the growth of more than 70 % of all human cancers (the majority of solid malignant tumors) , as well as brain tumors such as glioma, NF and TSC tumors. In addition, CAPE activates the tumor suppressing kinase "AMPK", and would be useful for the therapy of Diabetes (type 2) and for the "longevity" (a long life in good health) as well.

According to a 2002 poster on website, NZ propolis shows the highest CAPE content, 60-70 mg/g of dried propolis extract. That is the main reason why I got interested in NZ propolis extracts such as "Bio 30" from Manuka Health. However, in reality we have never seen such a CAPE-rich propolis among NZ propolis as yet. So far the Bio 30 batch that we got during 2006 would be the richest in CAPE, containing 12 mg of CAPE/g. We don't know the precise reason why we could not find the legendary CAPE-rich propolis called "CAPE 60" (containing over 60 mg/g).

Nevertheless, we could create the CAPE 60 artificially, by adding either synthetic or natural CAPE to any propolis. That is what we did during our 2006 in vivo (animal) test, proving that CAPE 60 is more effective than Bio 30 alone in suppressing the growth and metastasis of human NF1 and NF2 tumor xenografts in mice. However, we cannot add "synthetic" CAPE to propolis for medical purposes or human consumption, because the CAPE is not approved by FDA for clinical application. However, if the CAPE sources are among natural products such as propolis or enzymatically synthesized CAPE, there would be no problem for medical use.

Around 2006, a clever Taiwanese student (Chie-Hao Yeh, 23) developed the enzymatic way (esterification) to synthesize CAPE, in collaboration with Dr. Arief Widjaja, an Indonesian senior chemist(1). His thesis is entitled: Enzymatic Synthesis of CAPE. He used an immobilized "lipase B" (Novozym 435) from a fungus called Candida antarctica. The starting materials are CA (caffeic acid) and 2-phenylethanol. According to his recipe, this enzyme catalyzes the esterification of these two natural compounds in isooctane at 70oC for 48 hrs with almost 100% yield! This enzyme is resistant to both heat and organic solvent. After the reaction is completed, only two things remain in solution: CAPE and the solvent. Isooctane could be easily removed by evaporation, leaving basically only CAPE behind (2). Around 2010, a Japanese bee product company called “API” developed a natural source which produces CAPE enzymatically. Although the precise nature of this natural source still remains unknown in public (unpublished), it was filed as a patent.

Originally this company intended to commercialize a Chinese red propolis extract (RPE), because it contains more CAPE than Bio 30 or any other propolis products on the market, around 17 mg/g. Unfortunately, however, they found pesticides as contaminants in this RPE, and abandoned this RPE project. Instead, they developed a natural way to produce CAPE, to create a CAPE-rich propolis by blending this natural source with any “clean” (pesticide-free) propolis such as Bio 30. Thus, I recently contacted the director of API research center, discussing the possibility of commercializing the legendary “CAPE 60” by blending Bio 30 with their natural CAPE source, perhaps under the brand name “Api-Polis”, for the therapy of NF/TSC/cancers. Furthermore, by encapsulating this CAPE-rich propolis in gamma CD (cyclodextrin), a natural ring oligo sugar, we would be able to create a highly “bioavailable” (effectively absorbed through gastrointestinal membranes) CD complex of the CAPE-rich propolis, the “Holy Grail” of api-therapy.


1. Widjaja, A. et al. Enzymatic synthesis of caffeic acid phenethyl ester. J.
Chinese Inst. Chem. Engin. 2008, 39, 413-418

2. Chen, HC., et al. Optimized enzymatic synthesis of CAPE by RSM. New Biotech,
2010, 27, 89-93.


「プロポリス」は、副作用のない「癲癇 (てんかん) 薬」!

癲癇(てんかん)発作に悩む患者の数は、人口の1% 近いといわれている。

作用もある (総説 1)。 つまり、癲癇が発生する原因の1つは、「TOR」の

さらに、CAPEを含むプロポリス (例えば、 「Bio 30」など)には、抗癌
下流の「TOR」が遮断される。つまり、「Bio 30」は、言わば「ダブル


いわれているが、一日当たりの薬価(10 mg 錠剤) が、なんと2ー3万円も

「Bio 30」なら、一日の薬価 (体重10 kg当たり 1ml)は、わずか


1。Wong, M. Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Inhibition as a Potential
Antiepileptogenic Therapy: From Tuberous Sclerosis to Common Acquired Epilepsies.
Epilepsia, 2010, 51, 27-36.