人々の “健康促進” のために!

人々の “健康促進” のために!
2015年春、沖縄の琉球大学キャンパス内 (産学共同研究棟) に立ち上げた “PAK研究センター” の発足メンバー(左から4人目が、所長の多和田真吉名誉教授)
For detail, click the above image.


The Anti-malaria Drug “Artemisinin” Blocks PAK,
Being Potentially Useful for Cancer Therapy.

This year Tu YoYo, a Chinese female scientist in Beijing (born in 1930), won the Lasker (Clinical Medicine) Award for her pioneering work to develop a natural compound called “Artemisinin” as an effective anti-malaria drug useful for the treatment of multi-drug resistant malaria strains. Her project, initially coined “523", began on May 23, 1967, towards the end of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, and several years later her team found in a Chinese traditional medicine called “Qinghao” (Artemisia annua L., or sweet wormwood) this new anti-malaria compound.

Interestingly, this year Christian Doerig’s group in Switzerland found that like AIDS virus and H. pylori (bacteria causing stomach ulcer and cancer) , malaria requires the oncogenic kinase PAK1 for its infection (1). In other words some of currently used anti-malaria drugs could cure malaria by blocking PAK1. Yes, Artemisinin happens to be among these PAK1-blocking anti-malaria drugs. Back to 2007, a group at Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai found that this drug inactivates both the G protein RAS and the kinase RAF in T cells (2), clearly indicating that PAK1 is blocked by this drug, because RAS and RAF work just upstream and downstream of PAK1, respectively.

As previously mentioned, more than 70% of cancers in particular solid tumors such as pancreatic and colon cancers, require PAK1 for their growth. In other words, Artemisinin and other PAK-blocking anti-malaria drugs would be potentially useful for the therapy of these PAK1-dependent tumors as well. Yes, in 2010, a Chinese group at Guangdong Medical College clearly demonstrated that a water-soluble derivative of Artemisinin called “Artesunate” (100 mg/kg, i.p., daily) completely blocks the growth of human pancreatic cancer xenografts in mice without any side effect (3).


1. Sicard, A., Semblat, JP., Doerig, C., Hamelin, R. et al. Activation of PAK-MEK
signaling pathway in Malaria parasite-infected erythrocytes. Cell Microbiol. 2011, 13,

2. Wang, JX., Tang, W., Shi, LP., Wan, J. et al. Investigation of the immunosuppressive
activity of artemether on T-cell activation and proliferation. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 2007,
150, 652-61.

3. . Du, JH., Zhang, HD., Ma, ZJ., Ji, KM. Artesunate induces oncosis-like cell death in
vitro and has anti-tumor activity against pancratic cancer xenografts in vivo.
Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 2010, 65, 895-902.


抗マラリア薬 「アルテミシニン」もPAK遮断剤!

北京の女性科学者 (1930年生まれ)、屠ヨウヨウ氏(ヨウは口偏に「幼」) が、1972年
ン (Artemisia annua) から、アレテミシニン (青蒿素) という有効成分を同定し、
い治療薬として、開発した業績に対して、2011年にラスカー(臨床医学) 賞が贈ら


て、アルテミシニンがT 細胞で、RAS や RAFを抑制することが報告されているこ
テミシニンもPAKを遮断することは明白である (1)。 さらに、マウスなどを使う動物
実験 (水溶性誘導体 「アルテスネイト」、100 mg/kg) で、PAK依存性のすいぞう癌
されている (2)。 これらの抗マラリア薬は、従来の制癌剤と違って、
副作用が極めて少なく、また (開発途上国向けに生産、販売されているため)、
薬価が極めて安い (毎日の経口量が 50-100 mg で、 50mg 錠剤が200円)。

ていなかったが、(ベトコンを助けるために) ベトナム戦争に従軍した八路軍
(中国軍) には、密林でマラリアに感染して病死する兵士が絶えなかった。そこで、
毛沢東の命令により、マラリア撲滅プロジェクト (523) が、(「文化大革命」末
期の) 1967年5月23日に開始された。その指揮を取ったのが、当時37歳のこの


1. Wang, JX., Tang, W., Shi, LP., Wan, J. et al. Investigation of the immunosuppressive activity of artemether on T-cell activation and proliferation. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 2007, 150, 652-61.

2. Du, JH., Zhang, HD., Ma, ZJ., Ji, KM. Artesunate induces oncosis-like cell death in vitro and has anti-tumor activity against pancratic cancer xenografts in vivo.
Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 2010, 65, 895-902.