Al Gore and John Kerry lost to George Bush in the 2000 and 2004 US election,
mainly due to their narrow loss in both Ohio and Florida. Because of this
fatal loss, during last 8 years all of us have suffered from a series of
ill-managements by his cabinet such as the 9/11 Attack, Iraq War, Hurricane
"Katrina", Global Warming and current Deep Depression. To recover from these
huge damages, we need a new FDR to combat these problems with his new vision
and decisive action.
For such a drastic change in US politics for the coming years, the majority
of eligible minds in the two "marginal" (closely contesting) states, both
Ohio and Florida, have to be changed from "Red" (for McCain ) to "Blue"
(for Obama). Without this landslide "Blue" shift, our situation in both
US and the rest of our world would get progressively worsen towards the "Great
Who is the "right" commander-in-chief?
Also I would like to remind you of one more thing. John McCain fought for
the "wrong" war (Vietnam War). Bobbie Kennedy fought 1968 election to stop
this "wrong" war. Barack Obama stood firmly against another "wrong" war
(Iraq War) from the very beginning.
So if you ask who would be the "right" commander-in-chief, I would say,
Obama, and not McCain. McCain was not the "right" decision maker.
FDR was the last US president who supported the "right" war (WWII) against
Nazi Germany and Japan which attacked China and eventually "Pearl Harbor".
WWII was the only war that boosted US economy for last seven decades. His
"New Deal" and WWII rescued US from the Great Depression.
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