人々の “健康促進” のために!

人々の “健康促進” のために!
2015年春、沖縄の琉球大学キャンパス内 (産学共同研究棟) に立ち上げた “PAK研究センター” の発足メンバー(左から4人目が、所長の多和田真吉名誉教授)
For detail, click the above image.


山中教授, ノーベル医学生理学賞受賞

スウェーデン・ストックホルム市内のコン サートホールで開かれ、京大の
メダルと賞状を授与された。 授賞式後、ストックホルム市庁舎で開催された
晩さん 会に出席。共同受賞者の英ケンブリッジ大名誉教授、ジョン・ガードン
さん(79)がスピーチで 「山中さんの iPS 研究のおかげで, 自分が50年前に
やった研究の価値 が理解されるようになった」 とたたえると、受賞と大先輩の

山中教授は10日午前 「授賞式はマラソンに例えると折り返し地点。これまで
マラソンもそうだが, 後半の方が大変なので、頑張りたい」 と述べ、受賞者には
極めて珍しい 「マラソン・ランナー」 として、式典に臨んだ (東京新聞)。




NF (NF1 及び NF2) の病因が「PAK」と呼ばれる発癌性キナーゼ(蛋白燐酸化
酵素) の異常活性化であること、更に比較的安価なPAK遮断剤として、
ミツバチが古来 (一億年ほど昔) から代々調剤してきた「プロポリス」エキス、 
特にニュージーランド産の「Bio 30」、ブラジル産のグリーンプロポリスエキス

必須とする他のいくつかの病気(例えば、潰瘍、マラリア、流感、認知症 、糖尿病
など) を発掘した上、それぞれの病気の治療に有効といわれている天然の
もれず、英語では King of Bitters「苦味の王様」と呼ばれている。もっとも市販


(UCSD  および UCLA) の共同研究 (臨床試験) として、発表されていた。
その (90%アルコール) エキスは、商標「HMPL-004」と呼ばれている。毎日の
有効経口量は、体重kg当たり20ー30 mg だった。つまり、体重60kgの大人
なら、1200-1800 mg である。

例えば、「Now Foods」(nowfoods.com) では、400 mg のカプセル90粒が約10 ドル
 (約800円) で通販されている。


である!!! (この経口量では)副作用もほとんどないようである。。。 

ある。 なお、この物質は血管脳関門を通過するので、脳内に発生した腫瘍の

詳しい内容は、下記の英文記事 (「King of Bitters」Leave Extract)  を参照


"King of Bitters" (Andrographis paniculate) Leave Extract:
An "Inexpensive" PAK Blocker

Recently a group led by Chris Gasche at Vienna Medical University in Austria found that Mesalamine (5-ASA), an Aspirin derivative, blocks the oncogenic kinase PAK (1). This drug was developed around 1977 for the therapy of bowel ulcers. Since both bowel ulcers and cancers are known to require PAK, I started looking for a series of anti-ulcer drugs, in particular natural and inexpensive products, which are used not only for ulcer, and but also for other PAK-dependent diseases such as cancers (in particular solid tumors), inflammatory diseases such as asthma and arthritis, a variety of infectious diseases such as malaria, AIDs and flu, as well as AD (Alzheimer’s disease) and type 2 diabetes.

To my great surprise, the herb extract called HMPL-004, which is the 90% alcohol-extract of leaves of a Southasian plant called “King of Bitters” (Andrographis paniculata) is more potent than Mesalamine to suppress the bowel ulcer, according to the 2011 clinical trial report from a group led by Bill Sandborn at UCSD in collaboration with a Chinese company (HMPL) in Shanghai (2). 1200 mg of HMPL-004 daily is as effective as 4500 mg of Mesalamine when they are orally administered. Thus, it is most likely that HMPL-004 blocks PAK as Mesalamine. Indeed Andrographolide, a diterpene lactone of MW 350, the major anti-ulcer/anti-cancer ingredient in this extract has been shown to block the oncogenic PI-3 kinase, leading the inactivation of both PAK and AKT (3).

Is this bitter extract available on the market?  Yes, several on-line companies are selling this extract in capsules very inexpensively. 400 mg capsule costs only 10 cents. Ulcer patients need 3-4 capsules daily (costing only 30-40 cents)!  I have previously introduced an inexpensive NZ propolis extract called “Bio 30” for the life-long therapy of NF (neurofibromatosis) which requires PAK. Currently 25 ml bottle of Bio 30 costs around US$7, and since average adults (weighing around 60 kg) need 6-12 ml daily, their daily cost would be US$ 2-4. Thus, compared with Bio 30, this herb extract (called “Chua Xin Lian” in China) is far cheaper. So far at this dose the herb extract causes no side effect. Thus, it would be worth testing the therapeutic effect of HMPL-004 on NF and several other brain diseases such as AD, because it passes the BBB (blood brain barrier).


  1. Khare V, Lyakhovich A, Dammann K, Lang M, Borgmann M, Tichy B, Pospisilova S, Luciani G, Campregher C, Evstatiev R, Pflueger M, Hundsberger H, Gasche C. Mesalamine modulates intercellular adhesion through inhibition of p-21 activated kinase-1. Biochem Pharmacol. 2012, in press.  
2.      Tang T, Targan SR, Li ZS, Xu C, Byers VS, Sandborn WJ. Randomised clinical trial: herbal extract HMPL-004 in active ulcerative colitis - a double-blind comparison with sustained release mesalazine. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011, 33:194-202. 

3.      Lee YC, Lin HH, Hsu CH, Wang CJ, Chiang TA, Chen JH. Inhibitory effects of andrographolide on migration and invasion in human non-small cell lung cancer A549 cells via down-regulation of PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Eur J Pharmacol. 2010, 632: 23-32.


The Very First Book on PAKs (Elsevier "Insight" Series) in 2013:

PAKs, RAC/CDC42(p21)-activated Kinases: 

Towards the Cure of Cancer and Other PAK-dependent Diseases

edited by Hiroshi Maruta (NF/TSC Cure Org., Melbourne, Australia)


Introduction (Hiroshi Maruta)

Pushing the Boundary toward Clinic: 35-Year PAK Research Comes of Age

Chapter 1:  “Functional Maturation of PAKs:  from Uni-cellular to Multi-cellular   
                      (Masato Okada, Graham Cote, Ramesh Jha, Hiroshi Maruta),
                      Osaka University, Japan

Chapter 2:  “Oncogenicity of PAKs and Their Substrates”
                    (Hong He & Hiroshi Maruta) University of Melbourne, Australia

Chapter 3:  “Natural or Synthetic Therapeutics that Block PAKs”
                    (Hiroshi Maruta, Shanta Messerli, Ramesh Jha)
                    NF/TSC Cure Org,  Melbourne, Australia

Chapter 4:  “PAK1-3 in Infectious Diseases (Malaria, AIDS, flu, etc) ”
                    ( Hiroshi Maruta) NF/TSC Cure Org,  Melbourne, Australia

Chapter 5:  “PAK1 in Brain Diseases” (NF, TSC, glioma, RB, epilepsy, depression, LD) 
                    (Hiroshi Maruta & Shanta Messerli) Marine Biological Lab, USA

Chapter 6:  ”PAK1 in Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s diseases”
                    (Qiu-Lan Ma, Fusheng Yang, Sally Frautschy and Greg Cole)
                    UCLA, USA

Chapter 7:  “PAK1 Controls the Lifespan”
                    (Sumino Yanase & Hiroshi Maruta) Daito Bunka University, Japan

Chapter 8:  3D Structure and Physiological Regulation of PAKs
                  Stefan KnappOxford University, UK

Epilogue (Hiroshi Maruta)

Lateral Thinking is the Key for a Great Leap of Bio-medical Sciences.

PAK is a family of Ser/Thr kinases which are activated by RAS-related G proteins of 21 kDa (p21) called RAC and CDC42. Although the first mammalian PAKs (PAK1 and PAK2) were cloned by Ed Manser’s group in Singapore around 1994 (1), the first member of PAK family was isolated by our team at NIH in a soil amoeba as Acanthamoeba myosin I heavy chain kinase (MIHCK) in 1977 (2), far before a series of small G proteins (p21) such as RAS and RAC/CDC42 were discovered during 1980s. The myosin I is a small unconventional “single-headed” myosin which unlike the conventional double-headed myosins (myosin II) lacks the C-terminal tail, and requires the phosphorylation of its heavy chain by the MIHCK for actin-activation of its intrinsic ATPase activity (2).  Once myosin I is phosphorylated, its interaction with actin-filament (F-actin) triggered a rapid ATP hydrolysis and actomyosin complex (microfilament) associated with leading edge of amoeba contracts, and so-called amoeboid movement or membrane ruffling occurs...

 Shortly after the oncogenic RAS-RAC/CDC42-PAKs signaling pathway was about to be established in mid-1990s, Jeff Field’s group in Philadelphia discovered that RAS indeed activates PAK1, and over-expression of the dominant negative (DN) mutant of PAK1 in both RAS-transformed fibroblasts and NF1-deficient MPNST (malignant peripheral nerve sheath  tumor), in which RAS is abnormally activated, can reverse their malignant phenotype both in vitro and in vivo (4, 5), strongly suggesting that PAK1 is essential for the RAS-induced malignant transformation (anchorage-independent growth) of cells... 

Rather surprisingly, several non-tumor diseases such as AIDS, malaria, flu, Alzheimer’s (AD), Huntington’s (HD), inflammatory diseases such as asthma and arthritis, hyper-tension, epilepsy, depression, schizophrenia and autism associated with fragile X syndrome (FXS) also turned out to be PAK1-dependent. Thus, the potential market value of these PAK1 blockers would be huge in the future...
Afraxis in San Diego, founded by Susumu Tonegawa of MIT (the 1987 Nobel laureate) and his colleagues, recently developed a potent PAK1-specific inhibitor called "FRAX597" (IC50 around 10 nM), which  passes the blood brain barrier. So they can test its effect on the long term memory in mice, and if this PAK1-specific inhibitor can cure or delay a variety of the known PAK1-dependent brain diseases/disorders such as NF (neurofibromatosis) and TSC (tuberous sclerosis).

Celebrating such an exciting PAK1-specific inhibitor development, in the above 8 chapters, world experts in his or her own specific fields would discuss in detail with their deep insight, how PAKs, in particular the oncogenic kinases PAK1 and PAK4 or their blockers, could control our life and health in a variety of aspects, and how mammalian PAKs are functionally being evolved from their ancestral origin(s) in uni-cellular organisms such as yeast and amoeba with a series of mutations over million years.



東京新聞の今日の朝刊によれば、日本にも、いよいよ”緑の党”が今月28日に結成される。 2008年に発足された”みどりの未来”が母体。まず、参議院の比例代表で最低一議席を獲得することが当面の目標。マニフェストの一つは、脱原発を目指す事。


もっとも、(民主党を離党する)小沢一郎とその一族郎党が”緑の党”に合流すると言う噂は全くない。 彼は”ぶっ壊し屋”だから、誰にももはや歓迎されない。。。

ところで、豪州(タスマニア島出身)の”緑の党”の創立者、ボッブ=ブラウン医師は、今年党首を勇退して、女性に党首の席を譲った。 http://greens.org.au/

私は豪州メルボルンに25年近く永住している。 豪州を永住地に選んだ理由の一つは、
