人々の “健康促進” のために!

人々の “健康促進” のために!
2015年春、沖縄の琉球大学キャンパス内 (産学共同研究棟) に立ち上げた “PAK研究センター” の発足メンバー(左から4人目が、所長の多和田真吉名誉教授)
For detail, click the above image.



ことを思い出すと、油断は禁物だ! 来たるべき民主党(鳩山)政権が、約束し



Perseverance: True Voices of Cancer Survivors
by Carolyn Rubenstein(2009)

In general cancers are among diseases for old people. However, many young
people including children also suffer from some cancers such as leukemia
and glioma as well as NF and TSC tumors.

Like Lans Armstrong, the famous cyclist who overcame his formidable cancer
and won Tour de France seven times in row, so many other youngsters overcome
their cancers in their own way, and keep pursing their career. Carolyn Rubenstein
(24), a Ph.D. student at Harvard, published recently her inspiring story
about these 20 young brave and lucky cancer survivors who overcome their
fear caused by their life-threatening cancers in their childhood.

Anti-cancer drugs work only when cancer patients fight against this fear,
with a "positive" thinking. After all, there are a few endogenous anti-cancer
signal substances in our brain which are activated only when our mind looks
forward to the survival. Carolyn, who is currently studying clinical psychology,
has learned such an endogenous healing power, since she established a non-profit
organization "CCC" to support children with cancers, a decade ago.

Reading through this book, I hope every cancer patient, young or old, will
get both courage and energy for surviving his or her own cancer.

This book reminds me of at least two old friends of mine. One is my old German
Ph.D student who also overcame his leukemia a few decades ago, and is now
working in Sweden as a senior biomedical scientist. The other is Tom, a
professor at Yale as well as a Boston Marathorner and mountain climber,
who used to work at NIH for a few years in early 1970s, and found a "cofactor"
of a mysterious single-headed myosin from a soil amoeba. A year after he
returned to Harvard Med School, I started unveiling the very identity of
this cofactor which turned out to be a kinase which phosphorylates the heavy
chain of this myosin. Later this kinase was called "PAK". PAK is essential
for the growth of more than 70% of all human cancers as well as NF and TSC
tumors. Without his discovery of this amoeba cofactor, the advance in our
R and D of anti-cancer=anti-PAK drugs would have been significantly delayed.

Back to mid-1980s, Tom was suddenly found to suffer from a deadly cancer.
However, he was firmly determined to fight back with this cancer, and by
early summer of 1988, he was fully recovered from the cancer, and challenged
successfully the Himalayas with his wife and their children together, which
had been their life-long dream. For this special reason, I am planning to
publish my Japanese translation of this inspiring book with his family photo
in the Himalayas as a cover, hopefully to share these great "fighting spirits"
with youngsters as well as oldsters in my home country.

The end of this month, a big change will be expected in Japanese politics.
The bloody conservative party, which has cancerously ruled the Japanese
government for five decades, will be defeated at the coming general election
(August 30), and Democrats will grab the very first chance of ruling our
government. Our "perseverance" is about to be paid off at last!







設である。歴史的に有名な「ネッド・ケリー 」という英雄もここで最期を遂げた


Let’s Protect Our “Solar Energy Rights” from the “Greedy” Real Estate Company!

If Moreland City Council in Melbourne fails to reject this “outrageous” construction plan on 8 McColl Court, Brunswick West, I shall cancel my purchase of the property just behind this planned “three-storey” apartment, and ask the council or the company Metro Corp (McColl) PTY to reimburse me $42,800 that I have already paid to the vendor as a 10% deposit. In this case, the vendor will get none of the remaining 90% from me on October 2. The reason is crystal-clear. The northern (sunny) garden of this property overshadowed by this “ridiculous” three-storey apartment, that would severely undermine our “solar energy rights”, would no longer suit to my professional gardening and bee-keeping career for the rest of my life.

In short, only if the council wisely rejects this construction plan in time, namely by the end of this August, I shall move into this property as scheduled.


A New Functional Domain of NF1 Molecule
at the N-terminal Half (1-1163)

This summer Yoel Kloog's group at Tel Aviv University in Israel found that NF1 gene
product of 2818 amino acids contains an additional functional domain (the first 1163
amino acids) that blocks the oncogenic RAC-PAK-LIMK signaling pathway.

Since the C-terminal RAS GAP domain of NF1 gene product attenuates
normal RAS, and blocks the same potentially oncogenic signaling pathway,
a loss-of-function mutation in either N-terminal (apparently RAC GAP) or
C-terminal (RAS GAP) half causes the abnormal activation of this PAK-LIMK
cascade, eventually transforming normal cells. It still remains to be clarified
why this NF1 molecule contains two separate but functionally similar (redundant)

It is of great interest to note that CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester)
, the major anti-cancer ingredient in the NZ Propolis extract "Bio 30",
inexpensively available on the market, appears to do the exactly same job
as this N-terminal half of NF1 molecule.

Mol Cell Neurosci. 2009 Aug 7.

The Pre-GAP-related Domain of Neurofibromin Regulates Cell Migration through
the LIM Kinase/Cofilin Pathway.

Starinsky-Elbaz S, Faigenbloom L, Friedman E, Stein R, Kloog, Yoel*
* kloog@post.tau.ac.il

Department of Neurobiology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel
Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel.


TSC (結節性硬化症 ) 腫瘍に対する治療薬の開発(最新情報)

しばしば腫瘍を伴う結節性硬化症 (TSC) は、抗癌遺伝子 TSC1あるいは TSC2の欠損あるいは不全のために発生する稀少難病である。脳内あるいは腎臓に腫瘍が発生するケースが多い。稀少難病中、NFについで患者数が多く、世界的には百万人近いTSC患者が、NFと同様、有効な治療薬が未だ市販されぬまま、幼時から症状に苦しみ、多くの場合、短命で死亡する。

しかしながら、TSCに有効であると思われる治療薬が2、3目下開発途上(臨床テスト中)にはある。要は「時間の問題」である。市販ができるだけ早期に実現されれば、それだけ多くの幼いTSC患者の命を救うことができるわけだ。さて、TSC1蛋白とTSC2蛋白は、通常お互いに結合し合って、複合体を形成している。その機能は主に、G蛋白の一種である「Rheb」に対する「GAP」役を演じている ( 1 )。つまり、発癌性の「Rheb」の細胞増殖促進機能を、通常は抑制している。従って、TSC複合体の機能が損なわれているTSC腫瘍では、「Rheb」が異常に活性化されている。それが腫瘍化の主因である。それでは、「Rheb」は分子レベルで一体何をしているのだろうか?

数年前の欧米での研究結果から、G蛋白「Rheb」は、「TOR」という蛋白キナーゼを活性化する機能を持つことがわかっている ( 2 )。「TOR」とは、「Target of Rapamycin」の略で、「ラパマイシン」と呼ばれる制癌性の抗生物質によって阻害される キナーゼである。このキナーゼもPAKと同様、チロシンキナーゼではなく、蛋白基質のセリンあるいはスレオニン残基を燐酸化する酵素である。いいかえれば、TSC腫瘍の増殖は、「ラパマイシン」やその誘導体「CCIー779」などによって、少なくとも動物実験レベルで、ほとんど完全に抑制されることが数年前に確認されている ( 3 )。問題はそれが市販されるまでには、多分あと数年ほどかかりそうであるということである。現行の臨床実験は一般に、余りにも時間とお金がかかり過ぎている!

そこで、「ラパマイシン」類が市販されるまで、TSC治療に使用しうる代替薬は、この世に一体ないのだろうか? TSCに苦しむ子供を抱え込む多くの両親たちからの、そのような切実な訴えに応えて、最近、その周辺を文献上で調べてみた。すると、「無きにしもあらず」である! 要するに、「TOR」の機能を何とか抑えることができさえすれば、TSCは治療しうるわけである。そこで、最近注目を浴びているのが「Raptor」という蛋白である。実は、この蛋白が「TOR」の活性化に必須であることが、2002年に神戸大学の米澤一仁教授の研究室によって、明らかにされた ( 4 )。それだけではない! この「Raptor」の発現や「RaptorーTOR」相互作用には、なんと「PAK」が必須であるらしいことが、ごく最近 (今年になって) わかった。中国東北地方の中心都市の瀋陽にある中国医科大学や米国のルイジアナ州立大学の研究グループによって、インドカレーでおなじみのウコンの抗癌主成分「クルクミン」がPAKを遮断する( 5)とともに、「Raptor」を失活させる(6)ということが、独立に発見されたのだ! いいかえれば、クルクミンやNZ(ニュージーランド)産プロポリス「Bio 30」などの市販された天然物でPAKを遮断すれば、「RAS癌」やNF腫瘍と同様、TSC腫瘍の増殖も抑えることができるというわけだ!

こうして、2005年前後から開始した「廉価に市販されている天然物の中から、PAKを遮断する食物や生薬などを物色してみよう」という我々のユニークな研究努力が、つい最近になって、いよいよ「実用化」に向かって、実り始めてきたわけである! なお、この画期的な発見への糸口を作った米澤 一仁教授(神戸大学・バイオシグナル研究センター) は惜しむらくも、49才 の若さで急死されたそうである (2005年夏)。将来が大いに期待されていただけに、誠に残念である。

ただし、クルクミンは水に不溶性なので、胃腸からの吸収がひどく悪く、臨床的には、そのままでは実用性に乏しいが、リポソームやCD(環状オリゴ糖、シクロデクストリン) などで効率良くクルクミンを可溶化できれば、きっと近い将来、治療にも有効になるだろう。


1. Manning BD, Cantley LC. Rheb fills a GAP between TSC and TOR. Trends Biochem
Sci. 2003, 28, 573-6.

2. Saucedo LJ, Gao X, Chiarelli DA, Li L, Pan D, Edgar BA. Rheb promotes cell
growth as a component of the insulin/TOR signalling network. Nat Cell Biol.
2003, 5, 566-71.

3. Kenerson H, Dundon TA, Yeung RS. Effects of rapamycin in the Eker rat model of
tuberous sclerosis complex. Pediatr Res. 2005, 57, 67-75.

4. Hara K, Maruki Y, Long X, Yoshino K, et al. Raptor, a binding partner of target
of rapamycin (TOR), mediates TOR action. Cell. 2002, 110, 177-89.

5. Cai XZ, Wang J, Li XD, Wang GL, et al. Curcumin suppresses proliferation and
invasion in human gastric cancer cells by downregulation of PAK1 activity and
cyclin D1 expression. Cancer Biol Ther. 2009, 8, in press.

6. Beevers CS, Chen L, Liu L, Luo Y, et al. Curcumin disrupts the Mammalian target
of rapamycin-raptor complex. Cancer Res. 2009, 69, 1000-8.

文責; 丸田 浩 (薬学博士)
NPO「NF CURE Japan」マネジャー
元ルードビッヒ癌研 (メルボルン支部) 制癌剤開発部長
連絡先: maruta19420@mac.com

Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2005 , 42, 213-27.

Efficacy of a rapamycin analog (CCI-779) and IFN-gamma in tuberous sclerosis mouse models.

Lee L, Sudentas P, Donohue B, Asrican K, Worku A, Walker V, Sun Y, Schmidt K, Albert MS, El-Hashemite N, Lader AS, Onda H, Zhang H, Kwiatkowski DJ, Dabora SL.

Division of Hematology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, USA.

Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a familial tumor disorder for which there is no effective medical therapy. Disease-causing mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 gene lead to increased mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase activity in the conserved mTOR signaling pathway, which regulates nutrient uptake, cell growth, and protein translation. The normal function of TSC1 and TSC2 gene products is to form a complex that reduces mTOR kinase activity. Thus, mTOR kinase inhibition may be a useful targeted therapeutic approach. Elevated interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) expression is associated with decreased severity of kidney tumors in TSC patients and mouse models; therefore, IFN-gamma also has therapeutic potential.

We studied cohorts of Tsc2+/- mice and a novel mouse model of Tsc2-null tumors in order to evaluate the efficacy of targeted therapy for TSC. We found that treatment with either an mTOR kinase inhibitor (CCI-779, a rapamycin analog) or with IFN-gamma reduced the severity of TSC-related disease without significant toxicity. These results constitute definitive preclinical data that justify proceeding with clinical trials using these agents in selected patients with TSC and related disorders.


Polyphyllin D: A Potent Anti-Cancer Saponin
of the Chinese Herb "Paris polyphylla"

In 2001, a Chinese group led by Kwok-Pui Fung at Hong Kong University developed
an improved method for the chemical synthesis of a saponin called "Polyphyllin
D" (PPD), the major anti-cancer ingredient in a Chinese herb (root of Paris

In 2005, his group reported that PPD solubilized in gamma CD (cyclodextrin)
suppresses almost completely the growth of breast cancer xonografts in mice
at the daily dose of 2-3 mg/kg. Interestingly, most of cancers sensitive to
this saponin appear to be among PAK1-dependent cancers such as breast,
prostate, liver, colon, stomach, pancreatic and lung cancers.

This year, two Chinese groups in China and US jointly revealed a molecular
mechanism underlying the anti-cancer action of this saponin (PPD). Just like
FK228, PPD inhibits the expression of VEGF and HIF-1 alpha. VEGF is essential
for tumor-induced angiogenesis. HIF-1 alpha (hif-1) is a hypoxia (oxygen
depletion)-inducible factor which is required for the expression of VEGF.
Furthermore, expression of hif-1 requires the oncogenic kinase PAK1 which
inactivates "FOXO" that is essential for the longevity. In other words, PPD
would contribute to the longevity, most likely by blocking PAK1.

The reason is as follows. Recently it was found that down-regulation of hif-1
prolongs the life span of a tiny nematode called C. elegans through "FOXO",
indicating that PPD, which down-regulates hif-1, would prolong the life-span at
least in two distinct ways through "FOXO". So we wonder if the transcription factor
hif-1 inactivates "FOXO" somehow, as does PAK1, and this natural product (PPD)
suppresses effectively the growth of both NF1 and NF2 tumors in vivo, as anti-PAK1
products such as Bio 30. Like Bio 30, PPD has no effect on the normal cell growth.

To be continued.

J Int Med Res. 2009 May-Jun;37(3):631-40.

Polyphyllin D Exerts Potent Anti-tumour Effects on Lewis Cancer Cells Under
Hypoxic Conditions.

Ma DD, Lu HX, Xu LS, Xiao W.

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University,
Jinan, China; Department of Oral Biology, University of Missouri-Kansas
City, Kansas City, Kansas, USA.

Paris polyphylla has been used to treat cancer in China for many years and
components of the plant, such as polyphyllin D, may have potent antiproliferative
effects in vitro. To investigate the potential antitumour effects of polyphyllin
D on cancer cells under hypoxia, Lewis lung cancer cells and mouse tracheal
epithelial cells were cultured with or without polyphyllin D under normoxic
and hypoxic conditions. Proliferation and apoptosis of cells were assayed.
Real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to quantify
the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1alpha) and vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA.

Polyphyllin D decreased cell proliferation, increased apoptosis and inhibited
expression of HIF-1alpha and VEGF mRNAs in Lewis cells. These effects were
greater under hypoxic than normoxic conditions. Polyphyllin D did not show
a cytotoxic effect in non-tumour cells (mouse skin fibroblasts and tracheal
epithelial cells). These results suggest that polyphyllin D potentially has
anticancer effects in vitro under hypoxia.

PLoS One. 2009 Jul 27;4(7):e6348.

The HIF-1 hypoxia-inducible factor modulates lifespan in C. elegans.

Zhang Y, Shao Z, Zhai Z, Shen C, Powell-Coffman JA.

Department of Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology, Iowa State University,
Ames, IA, USA.

During normal development or during disease, animal cells experience hypoxic
(low oxygen) conditions, and the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) transcription
factors implement most of the critical changes in gene expression that enable
animals to adapt to this stress. Here, we examine the roles of HIF-1 in
post-mitotic aging. We examined the effects of HIF-1 over-expression and
of hif-1 loss-of-function mutations on longevity in C. elegans, a powerful
genetic system in which adult somatic cells are post-mitotic.

We constructed transgenic lines that expressed varying levels of HIF-1 protein
and discovered a positive correlation between HIF-1 expression levels and
lifespan. The data further showed that HIF-1 acted in parallel to the SKN-1/NRF
and DAF-16/FOXO transcription factors to promote longevity. HIF-1 over-expression
also conferred increased resistance to heat and oxidative stress.

We isolated and characterized additional hif-1 mutations, and we found that
each of 3 loss-of-function mutations conferred increased longevity in normal
lab culture conditions, but, unlike HIF-1 over-expression, a hif-1 deletion
mutation did not extend the lifespan of daf-16 or skn-1 mutants.

We conclude that HIF-1 over-expression and hif-1 loss-of-function mutations
promote longevity by different pathways. These data establish HIF-1 as one of
the key stress-responsive transcription factors that modulate longevity in C.
elegans and advance our understanding of the regulatory networks that link
oxygen homeostasis and aging.


Murray Rose: Our OZ "Vegetarian" Hero in Swimming

Murray Rose was born on 6 January 1939 in Scotland, but moved to Australia
with his family at an early age after World War II. He took up swimming
as a boy and was an Olympic Games champion at age seventeen.

Rose became an Olympian for the first time at the 1956 Summer Olympics in
Melbourne. He won the 400 meter and 1500 meter freestyle races and was a
member of the winning team in the 4x200 meter relay. Winning three gold
medals in his home country immediately made him a national hero. He was
the youngest Olympian to be awarded three gold medals in one Olympic Games.

Afterwards, Rose moved to the United States to study at University of Southern
California (USC). At the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Rose again won
an Olympic gold medal. He also won a silver and a bronze bringing his haul
to six medals. Rose continued to compete through his graduation from USC
in 1962. He eventually set fifteen world records. Rose continued to compete
as a masters swimmer.

During his career, he was also known for his strict "Vegetarianism". This
earned him the nickname "The Seaweed Streak". On January 6, 1959, he appeared
as a guest challenger on the TV panel show To Tell The Truth. He is the
patron of the Australian charity 'The Rainbow Club' which teaches disabled
children how to swim. (from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murray_Rose)




学閥と「OB」(「OG」ではない!) により支えられている永年の封建的な
