NZ propolis is known to be the richest in CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester)
, the major anti-cancer ingredient in propolis produced in Europe, Far East, and Oceania.
Although CAPE content in NZ propolis was reported to be 6-7 % (60-70 mg
per g of propolis), the highest around the world, for some unknown reason
the current NZ propolis on the market called "Bio 30" contains only one
fifth of the CAPE. Why? It remained a mystery until recently.
Is ethanol extraction of crude propolis insufficient for the full extraction
of CAPE, or Is CAPE converted to CA (caffeic acid) during the processing of crude propolis?
The crude propolis contains an enzyme called esterase which hydrolyzes CAPE
to CA. This enzyme would be activated as soon as the crude propolis is exposed
to water. The first step for the conventional processing of crude propolis
from bee matrix which collects propolis in bee hives is to suspend crude
propolis in water, which allows the wax (lipids) to float and the propolis
to be precipitated. The propolis is then air-dried and extracted by ethanol
which inactivate the esterase and solubilize the anti-cancer ingredients
such as CAPE and pinocembrin (PIN). Finally ethanol is replaced with PG
to make an alcohol-free liquid called Bio 30. Thus, it is most likely that
CAPE is converted to CA (by 70-80%!) in water during the first step.
We are getting a few lines of evidence supporting this notion, which would
solve this mystery around Bio 30.
In my opinion, this "wasteful" first step should be omitted to save the
precious CAPE and also wax which would solubilize CAPE and improve its bioavailability.
Instead, the crude propolis should be extracted directly from the matrix
of hives with ethanol to kill the esterase and extract both CAPE and wax.
By such a simplified procedure, the current Bio 30 (or any other CAPE-based
propolis such as Chinese red propolis ) could be further potentiated 5-10 times, without any extra cost.
Thus, this "tiny" change might revolutionalize the whole propolis industry
for the far more effective therapy of cancers and several other PAK-dependent
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