人々の “健康促進” のために!

人々の “健康促進” のために!
2015年春、沖縄の琉球大学キャンパス内 (産学共同研究棟) に立ち上げた “PAK研究センター” の発足メンバー(左から4人目が、所長の多和田真吉名誉教授)
For detail, click the above image.


Civil War in Afghanistan Should be Solved
by Afghan People, and NOT by Outsiders.

Like Vietnam Civil War, the ongoing civil war in Afghanistan could not be
settled down by outsiders such as US and NATO forces or Russian/Chinese
forces. It should be ended by Afghan people, including both Karzai government
and Taliban forces.

So I strongly oppose the Obama's US government's recent proposal to send
more US troops of 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. It would be just the huge
waste of both young soldiers' lives and money of all US tax payers for nothing!
Besides, unlike Iraq there is no oil in this area. Only opium is available
there. His US government has many other important jobs to be urgently solved
inside the United States such as huge financial crisis, healthcare problem,
the mysterious CCD (colony collapse disorder) of honey bees, and global
warming which would definitely affect the rest of this world.

Also I would like to urge his US government to move their US military bases
from Okinawa Island in Japan to Guam Island which is within US territory.
Japanese people don't need US troops any more, which kept occupying Japanese
islands, in particular Okinawa, since the end of WWII for more than six
decades. Japan is an independent country with high-technology and strong
economic power, and Japanese people would defend their own country by themselves
if necessary (in case some other aggressive country invades Japanese soil
in the future). Interestingly, Japanese soil has never been invaded by any
other country for more than seven centuries since the Mongolian/ Chinese
dynasty tried to invade Japan in late 13th century, but unsuccessfully. It
is very unlikely that either Russian, Chinese or Korean would invade such
a tiny territory of Japan in the future, which has no valuable natural resources
except for over-crowed population (more than 120 million people).

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