癌の転移も抑えます。 プロポリスは免疫能を高めるばかりではなく、育毛作用もあります。
蛇足ながら、中村さんの旦那さん(作家の庄司薫)は、我々の高校 (日比谷) の一年先輩です。丸田 浩 (薬学博士)、琉球大学構内 “PAK研究センター”
In an early 2006, at age 63, I decided to retire from my full time cancer research. I thought the time was finally ripe to start working voluntarily to help people around the world who are suffering from a variety of formidable illness, poverty, and injustice. The free "lateral" thinking would help us solve these "biological" problems more effectively. Break each dividing wall to find the similarity, instead of difference! Also see osaka20420.blogspot.com
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