人々の “健康促進” のために!

人々の “健康促進” のために!
2015年春、沖縄の琉球大学キャンパス内 (産学共同研究棟) に立ち上げた “PAK研究センター” の発足メンバー(左から4人目が、所長の多和田真吉名誉教授)
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Bio 30 Blocks the Growth of Deadly Gliomas

Bio 30, a CAPE-rich water-miscible extract of propolis from NZ (New Zealand),
has been shown by us (Demestre, M. et al, 2008) to suppress the growth of several tumors in vivo (xenografts in mice): deadly pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, and NF (neurofibromatosis) tumors (both deadly NF1 MPNST and NF2 Schwannoma).

Several years ago David Kaplan's group in Canada found that the GTPase Rac is essential for the growth of glioma cells (Senger, D. et al, 2002). Interestingly, CAPE down-regulates Rac, eventually inactivating the oncogenic kinase PAK1.

Thus, we recently tested the therapeutic effect of Bio 30 (100-300 mg/kg,
i.p., twice a week) on human grade 4 glioma (U87MG) xenograft in mice over
a few weeks. Both doses of Bio 30 turned out to be sufficient for the
complete suppression of glioma growth (Messerli, S. et al, 2008). We continue testing if Bio 30 also causes any regression of this deadly tumor.

Anti-cancer ingredients such as CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester) in Bio
30 can easily pass the BBB (blood brain barrier), and CAPE alone has been shown by a Taiwanese group to suppress the growth of glioma (C6) xenograft in mice a few years ago (Kuo, HG et al, 2006).

However, CAPE has never been used clinically (and is not available on the market), because of its poor bioavailability. Unlike CAPE alone, Bio 30 has a very good bioavailabity, because it contains a plenty of lipids which solubilize CAPE and several other water-insoluble anti-cancer ingredients. Besides, like many other propolis, Bio 30 can boost the immune system to suppress the growth of cancers in general. Thus, Bio 30 would be potentially good for the systemic treatment of brain tumors such as NF and gliomas.

So far no effective therapeutic for glioma is available on the market. Thus,
it is likely that Bio 30 (alcohol-free liquid) from Manuka Health, NZ would serve as the first effective therapeutic for gliomas. It is both very safe and inexpensive
(costing only a dollar for the daily treatment). The recommended daily dose
would be 1 ml per 10 kg (bodyweight), meaning 6 ml per day for patients weighing
60 kg (130-135 pounds) who suffer from glioma or other PAK1-dependent tumors
such as NF and pancreatic cancers.


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