人々の “健康促進” のために!

人々の “健康促進” のために!
2015年春、沖縄の琉球大学キャンパス内 (産学共同研究棟) に立ち上げた “PAK研究センター” の発足メンバー(左から4人目が、所長の多和田真吉名誉教授)
For detail, click the above image.


Fibromas of NF1 Patients Disappear in A Month at Last!

Fibromas (skin tumors)from NF1 patients have never been successfully grafted
in nude (immuno-deficient) mice. Thus, it is impossible to test the therapeutic
effect of a given drug on the growth of human fibroma xenografts in mice.
In other words, NF1 patients carrying a limited number of fibromas would
be the best possible " in vivo model" for testing the anti-fibroma property
of natural anti-PAK1 products such as Bio 30 (NZ propolis extract) and GPE
(Brazilian green propolis extract).

This September, at least three NF1 patients reported us that their fibromas
rapidly shrank with Bio 30 treatment (1 ml/10 kg, or 25 mg/kg daily) alone,
and in a month or so, a number of these small fibromas disappeared. However,
so far such a rapid shrinkage of fibromas took place only with the latest batch
(207.25) of this propolis, suggesting that this batch might be a "vintage"
of Bio 30. Interestingly, two of them experienced a similar rapid shrinkage
of fibromas with GPE (five capsules daily) alone as well.

Thus, if the anti-cancer "CAPE" (caffeic acid phenethyl ester) content of
Bio 30 (around 12 mg/g) or the anti-cancer "ARC" (artepillin C) content
of GPE (around 80 mg/g) is maintained invariably from batch to batch,
these bee products (propolis) available on the market would serve
as the first systemic cure of fibromas, from which more than 2 million
people suffer around the world.

Quality Control of Bio 30

Regarding the anti-cancer activity of latest three batches of Bio 30 in
vitro, there is no significant difference in the IC50, that is the concentration
required for the 50% inhibition of human cancer cell growth (around 10 micro
g/ml), between the three (203, 207 and 20X), according to the recent test
by my Japanese colleagues (Dr. Renu Wadhwa etc ) at AIST.

In other words, regarding batches made in this year, the biological activity
(=medical quality) of Bio 30 remains constant. That is a very good news
for NF/cancer patients.

Clearly, in the cases of less response to Bio 30, he or she should take
the much higher doses of Bio 30 to get the effectiveness. Up to 50 ml (2
bottles) daily, no side effect was observed in any patients (weighing around
60 kg).

An Alternative for Bio 30
(those who are resistant to Bio 30, try GPE which is more expensive)

Brazilian green propolis extract (GPE): "Propolis 300" from Yamada Bee
Farm in Japan
Each bottle contains 100 capsules, and costs around US$100 (not including
shipping cost/import tax)
Each capsule contains 80 mg of extract.
The recommended "minimum" daily dose: 1 capsule per 10 kg (for NF/cancer
For ordering, detail of shipping cost and discount price (15% off for monthly
contact: bee@3838.com

Plexi-form neurofibroma (PNF) of NF1 patients?

Recently a German group led by Adreas Kurtz showed that the size of plexi-form
neurofibroma (PNF) from NF1 patients, grafted in nude mice, could be reduced
by 80% with Gleevec (75 mg/kg, daily). Gleevec inhibits Tyr-kinases such
as PDGF receptor, c-Kit and ABL, and has been clinically used for the treatment
of CML and GIST, rare cancers whose growth depends on ABL and c-Kit, respectively.

The major problem with Gleevec treatment of NF tumors would be the high cost:
It costs $40,000-50,000 per year, meaning more than $100 daily. Clearly
it would not be suitable for a life-long treatment.

However, since the growth of PNF also requires the oncogenic kinase PAK1, I believe
that propolis such as Bio 30 and GPE would suppress effectively the growth
of PNF in NF1 patients, although nobody has ever tested in vivo, the therapeutic
effect of these propolis on PNF grafted in mice.

However, we have shown that Bio 30 suppresses almost completely the growth of
MPNST (malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor) from NF1 patients, as well as
Schwannoma from NF2 patients, grafted in nude mice (Demestre, M. et al, 2009).
Bio 30 costs only 1-2 dollars daily, depending on the dose.

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